lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

As the story opens, Alice Kingsleigh is seven and a half and admits to her father that she thinks she's gone around the bend because she keeps dreaming about falling down a rabbit hole into another world. Thirteen years later, a now fatherless 19-year-old Alice finds herself being publicly proposed to until she excuses herself to run away and winds up following a rabbit, she fell down a hole that leads to Underland.

Ojala cada vez que tuviera un problema podría seguir a un conejo blanco y aparecer en Infratierra cada vez que quisiera, en cada situación, como si fuera tan fácil. Creo que en vez de hacerle cara a un problema elegimos huir, desaparecer y aparecer en algún lugar, no importe donde aunque esto no arregle nada. Dejar cosas pendientes no es la idea, pero creemos que huir arreglara las cosas de alguna manera, o las hará mas fácil. Algo erróneo en nosotros, algo que vino mal en el chip, mal de fabrica, tener esta idea parece lo mas fácil y menos arriesgado, pero si nunca tomamos ese riesgo nunca vamos a llegar a nada, lo único que vamos a lograr es terminar tomando el té con el sombrerero hablando de cosas sin sentido (aunque no digo que estaría mal) pero esto de dejar cosas pendientes... de nunca terminar nada, no es lo que espero para siempre, porque básicamente es lo que hago.

Alice tuvo la oportunidad de estar en Infratierra, de tomar el té con el sombrero y hablar de cosas sin sentido, hasta de matar al Jabberwocky que era su problema mayor en ese momento, creo que al enfrentarlo se dio cuenta de que.. no siempre es la solución dejar de lado los problemas, teniendo la oportunidad de escapar y nunca volver, hasta ella decide irse y reanudar su vida. Lo que deberíamos hacer, pero, se puede? es aplicable para todo? o hasta ella en algún punto dudo en volver o no..

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

You're going to

Nobody keeps their middle school friends for ever, you'll fail a math test once in your life, your teachers will assing you seast away from your firends and your parents will assing you to your room when you do illegal things, you're going to get drunk and say somenthing you'll regret. You're going to cry over boys who's names you won't remember in twenty years. You're going to call your friends names behind their back when they make you mad, and they are going to do the same to you. You're going to be on your own once in a  while, your opinions of people will change, once you get to know them. You're going to run from the police. You're going to hold someones hair back at one o'clock on a saturday morning. You're going to find one book that you actually read. People are going to make fun of the music you like, and other people are going to like it just the same. You're never going to finish all your homework. You're going to cry and maybe, just maybe, need a hug from your mom. You're going to bullshit every eassy you write and pray that you sound like you know what you're talking about. You're going to get lost in a neighborhood that you don't know and walk around till you find where you're going. You're going to sing sappy teenage ballads all alone in your room when no one else is home. You're going to dream of finally getting out of your town, and you're going to miss it when you leave. you're going to take pictures that you will blush at in five years. You're going to get whistled at, chated on, yelled at, ditched by your friends, played by boys, laughed at. You're going to fall in and out of love, and one day you might really figure out what that word means, you're never going to stop looking for yourself. You're a teenager, so stop trying so hard, expecting so much, crying so often. Walk with your head held high, quit talking shit about people, take a walk outside. Go to school and smile at everyone, and who knows, you might really make it through.